Here's the story. I was broken up with on Tuesday. Now don't get me wrong, I am probably glad it happened. He was not the right guy for me, and that was rapidly becoming apparent. But being dumped makes you feel like you were tied in a bag, kicked a bunch, and then dragged down a dirt road and left in a ditch. Emotionally speaking, of course. Just writing it is making me feel a little like that right now, so I will put in a picture of a flowering tree. Just to cheer everyone up.
There. Now don't you feel better? I do. |
Think I curled up into a ball in my bed and hid the next day? Nope. That part doesn't come until Friday. The following day I felt like poo but bounced out of bed, went for my run, and "enjoyed" my full day off as best I could. You can't stay indoors when Chicago looks like this:
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Chicago is a pretty lady in the spring. |
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And a book too!? It must be perfection! |
Unfortunately, I have no moral to this story. I only know that I chose to miss two days this week, and I wanted to be honest with you guys. This blog is about accountability after all, and you have to be honest with your accountabilibuddies.
I do feel badly about it, but I am confident that I will get to the marathon in spite of this small setback. Today I popped out for the long run that I was supposed to do yesterday, and I plan on hitting all my runs this week as well as cleaning up my diet. I'm an adult, I can eat Ben & Jerry's for breakfast if I want, but that doesn't mean I should. Fresh fruits and veggies make me feel energized and well fueled. Cream based dairy products do not. So here's to a new start, four weeks of running, my health, and single spring in Chicago!
And last, but most importantly, a humongous thank you to all the friends and family who reached out and made their love for me known. You guys made me feel awesome despite feeling crummy. Especially Gabby, who used her birthday as an excuse to donate to my marathon fund! I burst into happy, grateful tears, which were much better than the sad ones I had been crying just moments before. Thank you for the love, you fantastic people!!!!
You are way too normal Kel!!!! LIfe is full of surprises-good and bad. You did the right thing, cry, eat ice cream then get right back up on your feet. The good people are still behind you!! Go Kel.